The Shining Hallway Scene

14 Jun

This scene is directed to create a fear feeling. What I feelt watching the video is not really fear but rather suspense. The viewer is waiting for something. We just imagine horrifying things, good horror movies use suggestion to create an anxiety feeling. In fact, every viewer reacts differently to a supposed fear scene. So the best way to horrify a public is to let every person imagines is own terrifying scene.

We can also compare this movie to recent horror films. For instance: SAW 6 or the saga Final Destination. To my mind, I don’t like this movies because we don’t feel fear watching it. A contrario, we laugh because character’s deaths are really uncommun and stupid. A too ridiculous place is given to suspense. We can predict the deaths whereas the aim of this kind of movies is to frighten. An other element: The ketchup effect. In some now films, plastic is used to simule organs like intestines and blood. But it’s so unreal to see somebody cuts strips of flechs or one of his arms staying conscious that the end result is not convicing ant quite laughable.

I didn’t see the whole movie but I think it’s closer to Psycho. Even if it is an old movie, Alfred Hitchcock needn’t technology to be – and stay – the master of suspense. We needn’t to see anatomy details to be afraid.

The Shining

14 Jun

The Shining is a movie directed by Stanley Kubrick, the same director of Full Metal Jacket. Jack Nicholson and Shelley Duvall star in it. This movie was well-made in 1980.

I watch the Shining Trailer.

I think it’s an horror movie so it isn’t my kind of movie but I speak of the film. The trailer is well-made, the climate of fear is present with the special effects , particularly the blood in the back of the scene at the end of the trailer. The music maintain this climate because this music calls back the music in Psycho into the shower’s scene. It’s the same type of music.

The fact of having an empty room, without life, gives the impression that we can’t  leave this room and we are condemned in this room, in that climate.

At the end of the trailer, we have the camera which is covered of blood and this last aspect of the movie dive us, completely, into this movie and it makes us want to see all the film.

Shining : a new romantic comedy

14 Jun

The recut :
What about this recut ?
It is not the really trailer from Shining, but if Shining was a typical romantic comedy, this recut would be the official one.

I just think this little trailer is enough to show us the theme of the movie, and a simple recut change our seek about it.

Why somebody do that ?
So why to post a fake trailer ?
Let you imagine if you have never seen ‘The Shining’ … would you go to see that in theaters ? I think yes.
But something is wrong, the movie you go to see is not the picture of the trailer.
This is a beautiful way to show how many people go to see a movie after the look of a trailer.
Something, a little something, a tiny thing can make us decide or not to see the movie.

About the recut
This one is particularly good made, and I think somebody who have not seen ‘The Shining’ can make a mistake, but, I’m sorry to say that, there are two errors :
– The first is an anachronism.
I think the trailer is chronological like the film, and two scenes on 8” and 30” are the same, and Jack don’t go back to his publisher.
– The second is a little bit harder to see.
The scene of the kiss in 1’12” between Jack and (we all think) his wife is wrong. The color of her hair is not that of his wife.

At the speed which the recut is shown, some people don’t see the difference, or don’t appreciate the return of Jack to his publisher.
Overall, it doesn’t matter if you didn’t see the film, since it will be the first trailer of it you have seen.

My impressions.
With the help of that thematically music, I had the impression to discover again the movie !
I feel happy to see a so nicely work, and I hope somebody will made a film like the trailer is !
In conclusion, I would like to know how many time spend the creator of the trailer to make it.
I think it is an enormous project to cut and paste things of the movie, add the music and the background music.

Well done.


14 Jun

I my opinion this movie is so good.It shows the importance of the family in somebody’s life .Often when we have a big job we want to be isolated but by watching this movie we learn that it is not the best solution.The best choice is to be in touch whith others people eve if we haven’t finish our job.When Jack was isolated in his corner he was very angriy and seek ,he forgot his wife and his son.But since his son went to meet him in his office his life had changed.He enjoys himself and lives in loves with his family :his wife and his son!

The shining

14 Jun

“The Shining” is a horror film. The trailer you can see here shines, making no pun intended. In fact it gives an impression of comedy or natural about the life of a writer willing to perform his book as a whole. It also indicates the presence of a child interested in the idea of death is changing thanks to a thing we most need. The family and love. After we therefore see a happy family who goes on vacation or traveling together. Everyone is happy, everyone is nice. It is a happy film.
But really when you know the film we know it is a horror film. The father in the trailer is a happy goes mad and kills in the movie real.
The best way to know the real version is to look not??
Good viewing

“All Work and No Play” Scene

14 Jun

The Shining Recut

14 Jun

The Shining

14 Jun

We can see here an alternate trailer of the horror movie : The Shining. The director of this film is Stanley Kurbrick.


The story takes place in a hotel. A couple where the husband has just found an job in this hotel (like guardian) decided to spend the winter with their daughter in this hotel, far far away from all civilization. But the former guardian has kill all his family. After some time spend in the hotel the drama  is repeating…

We can see on this link the original trailer .

Since the completion of this film the horror film have change. The technique has evolved.  (we can see here the trailer of Cube)

For you what is the evolution ?

Do you think the director use the same means to provoke feelings of fear ?

What are the horror film of the future ? (It comes back to the question of  the evolution)

“Up In The Air”

8 Jun

It’s the story about a man who works as an person who say to people that they are fired.  We can see that he doesn’t have any private life and when he tries to have one, it doesn’t work. He is a man who travel around the US with planes the complete year, that why he only have his professional life…

It’s must be a hard job, it’s for sure not a job for me.  You are payed to fired people. It’s really strange !

Could you made his job?

The World Is Not Enough Theatrical Trailer (James Bond 007)

8 Jun

Everybody knows the famous secret agent James Bond 007 of MI-6. The only man to whom we authorize to to kill. He works for England. His missions are to avoid world conflicts between several countries. To succeed at this, all the means are authorized to him.

I chose this movie because I think it’s the best with Pierce Brosnan.

This is the Trailer of “The world is not enough”. So, Sophie Marceau, Pierce Brosnan, Judi Dench star in it.

What do you think about a man like James Bond ?